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Starter code for the Duke project

User Guide

Features List

Feature 1

Create and add todo into a list


To record a task without a deadline


Create a todo and add into the list
todo (name of todo)

Example of usage:

todo bake cake for mum

Expected outcome:

Saving now…. [T][x] bake cake for mum Aiyo you still have 2 task(s), what you doing sia

Feature 2

Create and add deadline into a list


To record a task with a deadline


Create a deadline and add into the list. Date of deadline is required.
deadline (name of deadline) /by (date in format yyyy/MM/dd)

Example of usage:

deadline bake cake for mum /by 2020/12/11

Expected outcome:

Saving now…. [D][x] bake cake for mum (by: 11 Dec 2020) Aiyo you still have 2 task(s), what you doing sia

Feature 3

Create and add event into a list


To record an event


Create an event and add into the list. Date and time of event is required.
event (name of event) /at (date in format yyyy/MM/dd HHmm)

Example of usage:

event bake cake for mum /at 2020/12/11 1400

Expected outcome:

Saving now…. [E][x] bake cake for mum (at: 11 Dec 2020 02:00) Aiyo you still have 2 task(s), what you doing sia

Feature 4

Delete 1 task at a time


Used to remove a task that is no longer needed


Delete (task number)

Example of usage:

delete 1

Expected outcome:

Okcan. I will remove this task: [T][x] bake cake for mum

Feature 5

Delete all completed tasks


Remove all tasks at once for convenience


delete complete

Example of usage:

delete complete

Expected outcome:

I have deleted all the completed tasks as shown:

  1. [T][✓] cake
  2. [T][✓] swim

Feature 6

Check tasks as done on the list


Mark a task as done


done (task number)

Example of usage:

done 1

Expected outcome:

Okcan, I mark this task as done: [T][✓] swim

Feature 7

Display all tasks from list




Example of usage:


Expected outcome:

I told you save liao loh…….. 1.[T][✓] swim

Feature 8

Display tasks on a specified date


Easily access all the tasks on the same day


list (date in yyyy/MM/dd)

Example of usage:

list 2020/12/11

Expected outcome:

This are all the tasks with that date 1.[D][✓] swim (by: 11 Dec 2020)

Feature 9

Find tasks with specified keyword


Able to search tasks through keyword. Can be just part of the word.


find (keyword)

Example of usage:

find sw

Expected outcome:

Here are the tasks with the keyword 1.[D][✓] swim (by: 11 Dec 2020)